Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Giving Birth

You don't really know what the depths of love are until you give birth. At least in my humble opinion, the love that moves mountains is the gush of that very moment when their head emerges and you finally lay eyes on that small being that has been growing inside of you. It is love at first sight. At that moment your heart opens and expands.

Shooter arrived at 7:54, on Monday Febuary 23! I swore up and down that this labor would be my shortest and I would cut the time in half! Ace was 36 hours, 18 active, Cash 13 hours with 9 active. Shooter was around 7 with 3 hours of Active and 2 hours of pushing. Sunday night I had contractions all night, not the kind that take your breath away but the kind that do some work. finally at 3:30 I got up and ate and went back to bed...just in case. They stopped so I sent everyone off to school and went grocery shopping. Hmmm, almost passed out in Trader Joe's from a contraction. On the way home I was chatting with my friend, Kristi. I told her my story and she offered to come by and see if there was anything I needed! Thank goodness! She arrived around noon and I was having contractions about every 10 minutes, but these were the fun kind! I was beginning to think this might be it! My 13 year old determined that he might not want to be around and his mom came over and picked him up! As soon as he left around 2:30 the real fun started. I was still unsure but thought we should maybe call my midwife and husband. I told them I might be in labor. Kristi and I made some food but pretty soon I was having serious contractions and no longer wanted to talk or answer the phone. We called the midwife and Darrin. Now I was concentrating....and Kristi took over. I walked and worked through my contractions as she set the space and organized my birthing supplies. I let go knowing I was in good hands. Soon my midwife arrived and things were getting intense. When Darrin arrived I wouldn't let him out of the room, apparently I was quite forceful about this! My sailors mouth made its emergence..I didn't teach anyone any new words but they heard alot of the same. My friend and doula from Cash's birth, Cynthia arrived along with Roeshan who has been working with Shooter and I with massage and alignment! About three minutes into it, I remembered that I had said no more kids after Cash, oups and here I was having contractions again. I looked at my husband and said, "I am serious no more kids." His reply, 'honey, your only half way there we are having three more." I think I told him in my kindest voice to take a hike! As long as he didn't leave the room. 3 hours into contractions I was done, I stood up and announced I am done having contractions. I am going to push! Not know if I was completely dilated my midwife offered to check me, I declined. I did not want to know if I wasn't because it hurt and I wanted to be done! So I started pushing! I kept repeating I am done having contractions, he will be here soon! At one point I got tired of pushing but now there was no other stage to move onto except push and breath him out! I announced I was tired and wanted him out, my midwife kindly reminded me that I had chosen to have this retort, no I didn't it was Deanna's fault! Fortunately before I could blame anyone else I could feel his head and I could see him coming down the birth canal. Oh what a glorious sight that is! A few more pushes and he was crowning and then he his shoulders slipped out and he was in my arms. After a few lusty cries my beautiful boy began nursing and we snuggled into each other as he met his brother Ace and Grandpa Jerry.

Once again I had gone through a mothers rite of passage. Shooter was born at home surrounded by friends and family Our whole neighborhood celebrated his birth. I have to admit in the midst of it, I did think, what am I trying to prove by having him naturally....drugs sound pretty good! But as I looked into his alert eyes I remembered why....

I am grateful for all the love and support from our friends and family as I enjoy these blissful moments with our newest son...

love to all of you

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Beautiful birth story. I could read them all day long and never get bored of them.