Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why Smoking is Good for you.

Yes, I said smoking is good for you and in a way its true. When I smoked I took time to smell the roses. Every hour or so I would stop whatever I was doing and take a "Time Out" I would peacefully inhale then sit back and relax. I was in a type of meditation. Smoking was like a calming down ritual, a time and a place where it was ok to be still. Smoking created a time for reflection and a time to think before acting. How many bad decisions have been halted by just taking the time to smoke a cigarette. Not to mention that people who smoke are more fun. A smoker will throw down any time of the day. They are the first ones up for adventure. It is just too bad that cigarettes are full of chemicals and they can kill you. I will try and take the lessons I learned as a smoker into my smoke free life. Take time to Just Be.


Amber, The Unlikely Mama said...

HAHAHA, love it! Did you just quit?

tiffany.amber said...

No, I quit over 9 years ago!